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Everything you need to know about minerals and mineral water 

Although not everyone may realise it, waters are surprisingly diverse in both taste and benefits. In fact, mineral water differs from ordinary tap water precisely because mineral water contains natural minerals and trace elements that make it special in both taste and benefits. In this blog article, we’ll share with you some important facts about minerals and mineral water.  

What is mineral water and how to choose it?

As we briefly mentioned earlier, mineral water is water that contains a variety of minerals and trace elements that give water a different taste. According to European Union regulations, there are requirements for the marketing of mineral water across Europe, i.e. water can only be sold as mineral water if the producer has been approved by a European Union Member State. Ordinary drinking water, tap water or spring water cannot be sold as mineral water. In Estonia, the Health Board issues mineral water certificates. In particular, mineral water must be bottled at source and its constituents may not be altered. It must also come from an underground mineral water deposit, be naturally pure and safe. In addition, the mineral content must be stable. Haage Water is recognised as the official bottler of mineral water in Estonia because our water comes from the small village of Haage in southern Estonia, which is rich in siluric-ordovician layers of minerals. When choosing mineral water from a shop, it is important to check the label on the bottle, which should indicate the location of the well and the mineral content. 

Why is it important to consume mineral water?

Our body is made up of about 60-70% water, depending on our age. It is important to consume extra water during the day because the body loses fluid during metabolism. Since our metabolism also releases salts from our bodies, it is particularly beneficial to consume mineral water to help restore the mineral levels in your body. Did you know that minerals are divided into two categories: macro minerals, which are needed by the body in milligrams (e.g. calcium, magnesium, sodium) and trace minerals, which are needed by the body in micrograms (e.g. zinc, iron, iodine).  But why does the body need minerals in the first place? Namely, minerals are found throughout the body and affect the way our body works. Minerals are found in the skeleton (including affecting teeth), body fluids and enzymes, and they contribute to the transmission of nerve impulses and form part of some hormones. As our bodies do not have large enough stores of minerals, it is important to ensure that the body is getting enough minerals. As with many other things, minerals should not be over-consumed as this can cause the body to malfunction. Over-consumption of minerals can be caused by eating too many supplements or foods fortified with minerals.   In summary, a balanced diet combined with the consumption of mineral water helps to maintain the balance of minerals in the body. In order to avoid excessive intake of minerals through supplements, it is recommended to prefer a balanced diet and mineral water as this is the best choice for the body. 

What can affect the absorption of minerals?

How well a person’s body absorbs minerals varies from person to person. For example, the absorption of minerals is affected by coffee and alcohol consumption, smoking, some medications including the baby pill.  In addition, the absorption of minerals is also affected by the consumption of certain anti-nutrients

  • Phytates make it difficult to absorb calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus. Phytic acid is found in cereals and legumes. This is why it is advisable to soak them in water before consumption so that they do not impede the absorption of minerals.
  • Oxalic acids impair the absorption of calcium, iron and zinc and make it difficult for the body to absorb minerals. Beetroot and spinach, for example, contain oxalates.
  • Excessive intake of fibre can make it difficult to absorb minerals. Although fibre is important for the body, it is not recommended to consume fibre and minerals at the same time.
  • Phosphates, which are present in various E-substances, also make it difficult to absorb calcium.

The absorption of minerals is positiviely influenced by various vitamins:

  • Vitamin C contributes to better absorption of iron.
  • Vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium and magnesium.
  • Vitamin B6 also helps the absorption of magnesium.

What minerals does the body need?

Here’s what minerals the body needs, why and from which foods.  


  • Sodium – found in foods such as cooking salt, ready meals, cheese, bread, preserves, olives. Sodium is important because it helps to ensure water exchange between blood and blood cells, maintains acid balance, transmits nerve impulses and ensures muscle contraction. Excessive sodium intake can lead to swelling, high blood pressure, high strain on the kidneys and excessive excretion of water and potassium in the urine.
  • Potassium – is found in nuts, dried fruits and berries, seeds, potatoes, cabbage, bananas, green vegetables. Potassium is needed for the transmission of nerve impulses, to maintain acid balance in the blood, for the normal metabolism of carbohydrates and for muscle building. Excessive intake of potassium can lead to acute poisoning and gastrointestinal problems.
  • Calcium – milk and other dairy products, nuts, seeds, spinach. Calcium is important because it performs a structural function in the body (affecting bone tissue, teeth and other tissues), affects metabolism, ensures normal muscle function, regulates blood pressure and cholesterol levels, affects kidney function and the transmission of nerve impulses. Signs of magnesium deficiency are softening of bones, muscle cramps and thinning of bone tissue. Over-consumption of calcium can upset the balance of minerals, can cause kidney stones, increase the risk of prostate cancer, and interfere with nerve and muscle tissue function.
  • Magnesium – found in nuts, seeds, bread, spinach, pulses, beef and chicken. Magnesium is needed for normal metabolism, to promote the role of calcium, for the functioning of the heart muscle and the regulation of blood circulation, for normal nerve function.
  • Phosphorus – in seeds, nuts, dairy products, liver, poultry and beef, fish, wholemeal products, pulses. Phosphorus is needed for the body’s energy metabolism, the normal building of biomolecules, the functioning of the brain and central nervous system, the formation of teeth and bones, the regulation of muscle function and the activation of group B vitamins. High deficiencies can lead to problems in the nervous system, muscle tissue and kidney function.
  • Sulphur – contained in cereals, nuts, meat, fish. Sulphur is needed for the function of proteins and enzymes in the body, for the formation of antibodies and for the bones and cartilage.
  • Chlorine – found in table salt. Chlorine ensures acid-base balance, normal synthesis of hydrochloric acid, membrane transport and cooperation with sodium and potassium.


  • Iron – contained in liver, blood sausage, seeds, eggs, raisins, bread, beef, pork, strawberries, buckwheat and wholegrain products.
  • Copper – liver, cocoa powder, meat, pulses, wholemeal products, seeds, nuts, buckwheat, bread, salmon.
  • Iodine – iodised salt, fish and seafood, cheese, eggs, yogurt.
  • Selenium – Brazil nuts, liver, fish and seafood, sunflower seeds, meat.

Haage mineral water contains sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine and other minerals within daily limits, so Haage mineral water is a safe and convenient choice for getting the minerals you need. 

What is alkaline water and what are the benefits of it?

PH is a parameter that indicates the balance between alkalinity and acidity. In our organisms, a normal pH level is around 7.35, which is slightly alkaline. Water with a pH of less than 7 is acidic, and water with a pH above 7 is alkaline. Water that is too alkaline is bad for the body, but water that is too acidic is bad for the body. So what are the benefits of alkaline water?  

  • Alkaline water helps to neutralise and eliminate harmful waste products during metabolism.
  • Alkaline water removes residual products from our bodies that could otherwise be stored in our fatty tissues.
  • Alkaline water helps the body to recover from exercise and neutralise lactic acid.
  • Alkaline water helps to ensure that bones have sufficient calcium and are strong.
  • Alkaline water reduces stomach problems.
  • Alkaline water prevents the formation of cancer cells.
  • Alkaline water also relieves reflux disease.
  • Alkaline water maintains the body’s acid-base balance.
  • Alkaline water prevents tooth decay.

There is a lot that each person can do to keep the body’s pH level non-acidic. For example, excessive consumption of coffee, sweet, alcoholic and fatty foods can be avoided as they can have a negative effect on pH levels. Acidity is also increased by negative emotions, stress, lack of sleep and environmental pollution. When the body’s pH level becomes acidic, the body tries to neutralise it by itself, by taking in alkaline minerals, some of which may be borrowed from our bones.In addition, the body absorbs fewer minerals and vitamins in an acidic environment. This contributes to weaker bones, obesity and other diseases. Consumption of mineral water can contribute to the treatment of a number of diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, heartburn, thinning bones, migraines, stress and fatigue.  This is why it is important to eat a healthy and conscious diet and consume mineral water.  

In conclusion, it is important for health to consume alkaline mineral water as it helps to maintain the body’s acid-base balance and supports optimal levels of minerals.

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