Haage tootmine võtab suvepuhkuse ajavahemikus 22. juuli kuni 4. august. Sel perioodil ei toimu meie e-poest väljastusi ega tarneid. Oleme tagasi värskelt puhanuna ja valmis sinu tellimusi taas täitma alates 5. augustist. Tee oma tellimus hiljemalt 17. juuliks, et see jõuaks sinuni enne meie suvepuhkust.


Benefits of mineral water

Mineral water is more than just a thirst quencher, it’s a natural resource packed with essential minerals and trace elements to help support the body’s functioning. The advantage of mineral water is that it contains minerals that the body needs and that ordinary bottled or tap water does not provide.  In the following blog post, we will look at what the body needs water for; what minerals our body needs and why; and the benefits of drinking mineral water on a daily basis. 

The importance of water – why does the body need water?

The importance of water for the human body is hard to underestimate. This is best illustrated by the fact that most processes in the body take place in a water environment. If the body has too little water, essential metabolic processes – including the breakdown of food, the uptake of nutrients and their conversion into energy – and their use for regeneration and growth, the elimination of waste products, cell renewal, etc. are slowed down.

The type of water you drink depends to a large extent on lifestyle, climate, diet and many other factors. It is therefore difficult to give a single recommendation for the right composition of water and it is important to focus on the body’s needs. However, as a general rule, neutral to slightly alkaline water (pH 7-7.5) is suitable for most people. Neutral means that the water is neither acidic nor alkaline, i.e. pH 7. Here are some examples of why the body needs water: 

  • Water regulates body temperature.
  • Moisturise mucous membranes – such as eyes, nose, mouth.
  • To keep digestion running smoothly and remove waste product.
  • Almost all metabolic processes in the body take place in an aqueous environment.
  • Transport of nutrients and oxygen.
  • Ensuring the mobility of fluids.

The role of minerals in the human body 

Minerals play a bigger role in the body than we think. Minerals help to fight disease, make bones stronger, regulate hormones, heal wounds in the body and more – in short, minerals affect everything that happens in our bodies. For example, the minerals calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium are very important in the body and their roles are described below.  

Calcium – a mineral that helps strengthen bones and teeth, regulates blood pressure and muscle function, and also plays an important role in the nervous system. Calcium also affects blood clotting.

Magnesium – Like calcium, magnesium strengthens bones and teeth, regulates blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Magnesium also affects muscle function, nervous system function and blood clotting.

Phosphorus – This mineral is a key element in teeth, bones and cell membranes. Phosphorus helps to activate enzymes and keeps blood pH levels within normal range.

Potassium – Balances fluid levels in the body, affects heart function. Potassium also affects muscle function and blood pressure and is an essential mineral for strong bones.

Sodium – Balances fluid levels in the body, helps send nerve impulses and affects muscle function.

The benefits of mineral water for daily consumption

Mineral water can be consumed on a vegetarian or daily basis to maintain a balance of minerals in our bodies. As already mentioned, the consumption of mineral water contributes to the reduction of blood pressure, heart function and the normal functioning of the digestive system. When choosing mineral water, it is important to know where the water is produced and what minerals it contains. It is also important to remember that mineral water is not a substitute for a healthy diet, i.e. the various minerals should also be obtained through a varied diet.

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