Haage tootmine võtab suvepuhkuse ajavahemikus 22. juuli kuni 4. august. Sel perioodil ei toimu meie e-poest väljastusi ega tarneid. Oleme tagasi värskelt puhanuna ja valmis sinu tellimusi taas täitma alates 5. augustist. Tee oma tellimus hiljemalt 17. juuliks, et see jõuaks sinuni enne meie suvepuhkust.


6 myths about mineral water

Myth 1: Mineral water and tap water are the same

Mineral water and tap water are different waters. Firstly, the very origin of the water is different – tap water can be accessed directly from the tap, whereas mineral water has to be extracted from boreholes that comply with EU regulations, and member states have to monitor that the water is properly bottled. Mineral water is therefore bottled safely for consumers. Tap water is safe to drink and can be used for various household purposes, but it should be noted that not every country allows drinking tap water because it is contaminated. If the water has been improperly treated, it may contain chemicals, bacteria or other heavy metals that make it unsafe for humans to drink tap water and can lead to health problems. This is not a problem in Estonia, where the quality of drinking water is controlled by the National Board of Health, but in many foreign countries tap water should be avoided.

Myth 2: If you’re not thirsty, you have enough fluid in your body.

Human cells are made up of about 70% water, so it is important for a good health of body to have enough water. If the body is constantly dehydrated over a long period of time, this can affect organ function. Many people have body signals when it needs to drink water. For example, the lining of the throat or the tongue may become dry and the person feels the need to drink. In addition, fatigue, difficulty concentrating or irritability may occur when the body is dehydrated. However, there are some people who feel almost no thirst but may experience the following symptoms that indicate dehydration – fatigue, headaches, weakness, mood swings or seizures. To summarise, it is important to drink water even if you do not feel thirsty, as the onset of thirst is a sign of dehydration. As many people do not feel thirsty at all, it is advisable to drink water consciously.

Myth 3: Food provides the daily fluid intake you need

With a normal diet, the bulk of your daily water intake comes from food, but it is important to consume more water. Foods that contain water include fruit and vegetables, tea, soups, juices and other drinks. In addition, it would be important to consume about 440-660ml, which is 2-3 glasses. As a rough guide, you can also calculate your daily water intake based on your body weight – an adult needs about 28-35 ml of water per body weight. So it can be said that we really do get water from food, as it is important to drink more water.

Myth 4: Mineral water is marketing trick

Drinking mineral water is not a recent trend; mineral water has been important in European culture for centuries. As early as Roman times, it was noticed that drinking or washing with mineral water had a positive effect on health. In the 18th century, more and more people began to notice that drinking mineral water could help prevent and cure diseases. In the 19th century, mineral water was also bottled and sold for medicinal purposes. So mineral water is not just a more expensive bottled water, it really does have a positive effect on the functioning of the body. Unlike tap water, mineral water contains a variety of minerals that are essential for the body. For example, sodium, calcium and potassium. Compliance is also checked by the Estonia’s Health Board.

Myth 5: Mineral water is bad for health

There are widespread myths that drinking mineral water can be harmful. This is not the case and drinking mineral water has health benefits. For example, mineral water helps to lower blood pressure, regulate circulation, strengthen bones and keep the digestive system in good working order. We’ve described in more detail in a previous blog post why it’s important to drink alkaline mineral water. Some very mild side effects may include hiccups and flatulence, but these are rare and do not pose a health risk.

Myth 6: Carbonated water is the same as mineral water

Mineral water and carbonated water are different types of water. Mineral water comes from the ground and contains different minerals. Mineral water may also naturally appear slightly gaseous, but carbon dioxide may also be artificially added to bottled mineral water. Haage’s range includes both still and sparkling mineral waters. Ordinary carbonated water is ordinary bottled water to which carbon dioxide has been artificially added, but carbonated water does not contain minerals. In addition, mineral water and carbonated water taste different. In particular, mineral water has a slightly salty taste, which is due to the minerals in the water. In addition, mineral water can be used as a skin care product – it can be used for face masks and other beauty treatments to prevent irritation, dryness and acne. Ordinary gaseous water does not yet have these properties. To sum up, carbonated water is water to which carbon dioxide has been artificially added, but mineral water can be both carbonated and non-carbonated, as can Haage water.

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